Monthly Archives: November 2014

At the London Zoo

It poured today. You could say is rained cats and dogs, which would be appropriate since I spent the morning making photos at the London Zoo with four other intrepid photographers on a photography workshop run by Nigel Wilson (www, I  must admit I had limited success, spending most of the time faffing with rainsleeves and foggy lenses, but the morning was redeemed by the tigers….and the elves.

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A Day at the British Wildlife Centre – Part 2

The sun was shining us, quite literally, on Friday when my photography group ( visited the British Wildlife Centre in Lingfield, Surrey. It didn’t start out that way, though. I woke up several times the night before with the rain battering the window glass. “It’ll be done by 7,” I thought. But no. not done by 7, or 8, or 9. No cancellation email though, so I put on double layers and waterproofs and headed out for what was turning out to be a very soggy day.

But then, at 10, as we all stepped out of the canteen at the Centre, fortified by hot teas and coffees, the rain stopped. And, an hour later, some blue appeared in the sky. And by the early afternoon, we had sun. And the animals were as happy to see it as we were.

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A Day at the British Wildlife Centre – Part 1

Somedays are days you know you will remember. Always. Friday was one of those rare days for me. I spent the day with ten other lucky photographers on a wildlife photography workshop run by Nigel Wilson ( at the British Wildlife Centre ( in Lingfield, Surrey. We had the run of the centre to ourselves for the day, and it was marvelous. Here are a few photos of the delightful red squirrels, quick-as-a-flash weasels, a regal black mink, a tiny harvest mouse (about the size of your thumb), some very slippery otters, a hungry polecat, and some fierce Scottish wildcats. More to come tomorrow!

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A Weekend in the Dordogne France

I am just back from a long weekend in Sarlat, a beautiful Medieval town in the centre of the Dordogne region in central France. My Italian friends, Winehippie and Drumguy, have bought a guest house there which they’re fixing up for the 2015 season. We’re got a great deal — I give them some advice on design and decoration, and they feed me delicious meals and wine and put me up in one of their guest rooms. A great barter!

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